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Welcome, this is a collection of things to remember and things to inform current projects.

And it’s a space to allow ideas to cross pollinate and co-mingle.

I hope you’ll find something to take with you that provokes or incites or coaxes you in the direction you’re trying to go. Or maybe you’ll find something simply causes you stop and mull. That would be good too.

Thanks for being here.



It could happen any time, tornado,
earthquake, Armageddon. It could happen.
Or sunshine, love, salvation.

It could, you know. That’s why we wake
and look out — no guarantees
in this life.

But some bonuses, like morning,
like right now, like noon,
like evening.

William Stafford from The Way It Is

What’s the bonus of right now?

(Photo by Mario Azzi on Unsplash)



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