Kristin Hatcher

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Doing a Little

I did a short yoga flow on Wednesday. It was calming; I didn’t break a sweat. Thursday morning my triceps ached a little and so did my back.

It’s been ages since I’ve done yoga and I so regret that a few sun salutations was enough to cause muscle fatigue.

At the close of the workout I remembered how great yoga feels. I must do more of that.

But then the muscle soreness.

Forget it. I’m out of shape and I’d rather not remember that I’m this out of shape. So the mat stays rolled up in the corner.

The question is, can I bear with my own mediocrity? Or, will I allow it to block me from doing a thing I enjoy? From becoming stronger?

Sometimes doing a little is harder than doing a lot.

( Photo by Jade Stephens on Unsplash )